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The drawings

All drawings refer to the Enigma of the Wehrtechnische Studiensammlung Koblenz:
- Enigma I with the Dora reflector
- Device number: 24b 656
- Year of manufacturing: 1943
- Manufacturer: Chiffriermaschinen AG Heimsoeht & Rinke in Berlin-Wilmersdorf

The drawings were compiled by Ms. Luzia Jans in the context of the scientific project "DIE ENIGMA - Nachbau der legendaeren Chiffriermaschine".
The files are divided into three parts. The Rack, Reflector and Rotors (in the drawings called "rolls").
You can find the drawings and reports as pdf documents under the following links:

(93) drawings of the Rack (18.4 MB / pdf)
(10) drawings of the Reflector (2.1 MB / pdf)
(27) drawings of the Rotor (5.2 MB / pdf)
Report of Ms. Jans (3.3 MB / pdf)
A short overview about the project of Prof. Ertel (1.5 MB / pdf / german)

W. Ertel, L. Jans, W. Herzhauser, and J. Feßler. An Enigma Replica and its Blueprints. Cryptologia, 35(1):16-21, 2011

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Please note:
We assume no liability for the timeliness, correctness or completeness of the drawings!
Any reproduction, even in parts, or the use of drawings for a different purpose is at your own risk.

More information about the project can be found on our Enigma project website.